
The range GPS coordinates are: 41 35 14.95 N 96 27 52.43 W

From Blair Nebraska
1. Take Hwy 91 west out of Blair to Fontenelle
2. Turn Right on CR-3 and go to the T
3. Take a left at the T
4. Take your first right onto CR-P1
5. Follow this road around 3 curves (left, right, left)
6. Go down the hill
7. You are now on County Road 24 Boulevard
8. Take your first left which is the range road

From Fremont Nebraska
1. Take Highway 275/77 North out of Fremont
2. Take the Highway 77 Winslow/Sioux City exit off of Highway 275
3. Immediately after the rail road tracks, take a right onto CR-J
4. Stay on the road and go over the Elkhorn River bridge
5. Take your first right after the bridge onto CR-24 or County Road 24 Boulevard
6. Follow this road past CR-K which is on your left and look for the range road on your right hand side
7. If you go up the hill, you have gone too far.

If coming with a mobile home/camper or large trailer to make the turn onto our road, please come from the South on CR-24. You want to take the Highway 91 directions to the range. Either follow the directions from Blair or take Highway 275/77 North out of Fremont to Highway 91. Take a right onto Highway 91. Go to Fontenelle. Take a left on CR-3. Follow the rest of the directions coming from Blair.

Click on DIRECTIONS at the top of the page for a map.

Range Address

1176 County Road 24 Boulevard
Winslow NE

About us

Fort Atkinson Muzzleloaders was informally founded in 1970 and was incorporated in 1971. We are an organization dedicated to the sport of muzzleloading. We shoot traditional muzzleloaders and have special matches for inline muzzleloaders as well at our shoot.
In 1979 we moved to our current location on the banks of the Elkhorn river by Winslow NE. We have 40 acres total with 15 acres used for camping and shooting. We have lots of shaded camping as well as plenty of water and firewood available. The newest addition to the range, was the covered firing line. This allows us to shoot in most all weather conditions.
We hold 1 shoot a year in the Fall. Please see the activities page for the date of this event, as well as our monthly club meetings.
The club meets the 3rd weekend of each month at the range, March through October and in the month of February at a location to be determined. Our annual dinner and meeting is in November.